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Scaling up SaaS Model for Waste Management: Collection, Processing and Marketing.…

Mrembo Naturals cosmetics fights food waste and poverty by empowering women…

Remote 3D Prosthetic Care…

Impact Accelerator: Supporting East African startups to scale their impact business…

IRIBA Tap&Drink: safe drinking water for job creation.…

Powering Kenyan schools through smart solar solutions…

Scaling up coconut waste processing…

Towards organic, fair trade and carbon-neutral cocoa…

Solarly UP ! – energise Cameroon…

 Scaling up nutrition and value chains…

Organic, sustainable, high-yielding vanilla resilient to climate change…

Jump Energy: electric taxi motorbikes…

Rewoven U-turn: Textile Recycling Project…

Enhancing Ghana’s Pineapple Value Chain for Green and Sustainable Growth…

Strengthening value chain in refugee hosting areas…