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Quality up-scaling of two cooperatives of smallholders in Peru…

Establishment of an export-oriented organic dried fruit value chain with smallholders in Rwanda…

Accelerating inclusive apiculture businesses for people and planet in Uganda…

Enhancing fair trade and organic coffee value chains with small farmers in Rwanda…

Recycling urban waste into compost in Mozambique…

People, Planet & Cocoa: Sustainable cocoa production for the producers of the Yeyasso cooperative in Ivory Coast…

A responsible supply chain for ethical and artisanal diamonds in Guinea…

Scaling up of an innovative micro-enterprise model and eco-friendly brick technology in Nepal…

Expansion of a social weaving workshop for tribal women in India…

Development of a fair trade export-oriented essential oils supply chain in Burundi…

Guarantee Fund in the DR Congo…

Blockchain and AI to increase the income of rural farmers in Ghana…

Organic honey production in Ethiopia…

Dairy value chain development in Nepal…

Solar-powered cold rooms in Nigeria…